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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 23% | Middle 29% | High 32%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 9% | Middle 22% | High 12%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 25% | Middle 28% | High 18%

Distinguished Math

Elementary 7% | Middle 14% | High 10%

Online Registration

Online Registration (OLR) for the 2024-2025 school year is open for new enrollments. The annual update window is now closed. Each family will complete the OLR for ALL of your students on the same application. You will be able to add additional students once you reach the STUDENT tab. Si es una familia de habla hispana, la página de preguntas frecuentes de OLR 2024-2025 en español está vinculada para su referencia. If you have a child that turned 3 or 4 by 8/1/24 please contact our Early Childhood Center at 502-845-8656. 


Returning to District

Definition: Any family that has at least one student who completed the 23-24 school year at an HCPS school in grades PK-11 who is expected to be at an HCPS school on the first day of the 24-25 school year.

Directions for Online Registration
  1. Login to your Campus Parent Portal account.
  2. Click Online Registration. If on a mobile device you may have to scroll down to the bottom of your screen.
  3. The OLR screen will open to “Existing Student Registration.”
  4. Verify the students that will be included on your application, the Registration Year, & click “Begin Registration” **If it says the STATUS is Complete you have already submitted the OLR. If it says In-Progress click on the Continue button.**
  5. Follow the directions provided on the screen to complete the registration. (6th grade students are required to turn in a school entry physical and up-to-date immunization certificate. If your other students have updated information please upload that as well. Check the FAQ page for helpful tips regarding required documentation.)

New to District

Definition: Any family that did not have at least one student who completed the 23-24 school year at an HCPS school in grades PK-11.

Directions for Online Registration
  1. Go to the OLR Kiosk.
  2. Select Start New Registration Application.
  3. Select the 2024-2025 School Year.
  4. Fill in the required information indicated with the red asterisk. Then check the box for "I'm not a robot."
  5. Click Begin Registration.
  6. You will be assigned an application number. Write this number down in case you need to close out of the application and return to it later. If you call a school or the Board of Education for assistance they will also ask for this number.
  7. Follow the directions provided on the screen to complete the registration. (Some grade levels have required documentation to complete the enrollment process. Failure to upload the required documents will result in your application not being processed for enrollment. Check the FAQ page for helpful tips.)


If you feel you need additional information please check out our FAQ page.

If you are new to Infinite Campus OnLine Registration (OLR) feel free to watch this video from KDE.