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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 23% | Middle 29% | High 32%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 9% | Middle 22% | High 12%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 25% | Middle 28% | High 18%

Distinguished Math

Elementary 7% | Middle 14% | High 10%

Student Illness Policy

Student Illness Policy

To prevent the spread of infection and illness, Henry County Public Schools follows the guidelines and recommendations of the experts in the fields of infectious disease (CDC, AAP, NASN). In the event my student is kept home or sent home from school for a fever/vomiting/diarrhea or other potentially infectious symptom, I understand that they may return to school only when they are fever free and/or without symptoms for at least 24 hours without the assistance of medication. If my student has a pre-existing condition documented by their physician and on file with Health Services OR receives an alternate diagnosis from a physician they can return to school in less than 24 hours. The doctor’s note for the alternate diagnosis is required for return.