Jim Masters, Superintendent
Mary Sharp, Administrative Assistant
Welcome to Henry County Public Schools, where our vision also says it all - “A district of educational excellence, the pride of our community.”
It is an honor and privilege to serve as the superintendent of HCPS in the wonderful community of Henry County. Our hardworking and dedicated staff is committed to helping students maximize their learning potential while making school work challenging, engaging, and personalized. We strive daily to prepare and empower our students for the complex challenges of the twenty-first century working world and to have students transition ready at the end of their educational journey. It is my belief that every student can succeed and can learn at high levels.
Henry County is second to none when it comes to realizing the importance of education and the value of our young people, our future. It’s a wonderful place to raise and educate a child and we definitely want to be the "pride of our community." The tremendous support of our schools by parents, community members, and business leaders is a vital factor in creating a first class educational system. We sincerely appreciate the commitment of our community for helping make education a priority in Henry County.
Thank you for visiting our website and learning more about our schools, and what we have to offer children in Henry County. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Board of Education at 502-845-8600.
- Information Related to the Superintendency
- Articles of Interest